Oh Man! November has just flown by and Thanksgiving is right around the corner. Just three days away! Each year around this time, it’s important to look back at all the things we (and our critters can be thankful for!) As this is a dog blog we’ll focus on how we can be thankful for the things our pets can give us and what we can give back to them too.
For those of you who don’t know, I have a kind of full household at the moment. I have two cats and three dogs! My two cats are:
Inara (In-Are-a) – who is a gray short hair cat, who’s around 2 years old. She has a LOT of kitten energy and after having her only for a few month, I knew she’d need a buddy or she’d drive me and the dogs crazy! So I got Cass.
Cass (Short for Castiel) – who is a solid white long hair, who just turned a whopping 13 years this fall! Surprisingly, this old man can keep up with Inara somehow and the two are awesome buddies.

I’ve also recently increased to having three dogs, as many of you know I “accidentally” fell in love with Prim and adopted her as well (oops!).
But first there was Esther, who’s now seven years old. A mix of a Jack Russel Terrier and a Shih Tzu and a past TLC Canine Shelter graduate.
Then there’s Luna, who’s three years old and a past AHeinz57 graduate. She is a mix of a Shetland Sheepdog and a Papillon.
And finally there’s Prim. A ten year old blind and deaf, Cocker Spaniel.

I am thankful for all these critters who get to spend their lives in a warm, loving, safe home. With people who care for them and allow them lead full and enriched lives. However I know that all pets are not allowed these basic “luxuries”.
This past weekend, myself and a few other rescue groups had worked extra hard to find homes for four outdoor dogs. Their owner had originally reached out to us asking for help as caring for four large dogs was going to be difficult these coming winter months. These dogs, all old, 8 to 11 years, had spent their entire lives outdoors and had minimal interactions with people. Finding amazing fosters willing to take on such challenges, was not easy, but somehow the rescue groups managed it!
However when the time came to go rescue the dogs and the owners changed their mind. They loved them and couldn’t bare to see them taken away. Even though we told them the dogs would have nice warm homes, a dedicated family of their own, and a safe place for the winter – they wanted to keep them and that was the end of our discussion.
It was a sad and disappointing rescue attempt, but nevertheless, I was thankful that SO many people were willing to give up their weekend this close to the holidays in the attempt. There ARE good people out there and so many were willing to help out and open their homes to these needed pups.
That’s what I really encourage you to think about this holiday season. Ways you can help others. You could adopt, foster, donate money or time or skills, etc., volunteer, promote, write grants, and so much more. Tis the season to remember all the ways you can help out others. Take a risk, try something new, and help out!